Maintain a Clear Pool
Crystal clear water starts with pool shock. Shocking your pool water helps to remove contaminants that may cause cloudy water and algae. Apply a pool shock treatment weekly as part of a regular maintenance routine.
Maintain a regular cleaning regimen. Skim water surface, brush walls, vacuum and empty skimmer baskets at least once per week.
Test and balance your pool water weekly. Your test results will tell you if your water parameters are unbalanced. If needed, apply the appropriate products to restore balance. Download the Clorox® Pool app on Apple App Store or Google Play for expert water analysis and product and dosage recommendations.

Product reviews
Write ReviewThe Perfect Maintenance Shock
I use this shock every week in my pool to keep it looking awesome! It doesn’t cloud and leave white stuff in my pool like the HTH shock does.
Ease of Use:
Works well
Works well, just be mindful of your PH.. i see lots of negative comments but ill be they didnt have good ph.
Ease of Use:
Great Product
Best product I have used in 20 years as home owner with a 20,000 gallon pool in Arizona. You must clean your filter, vacuum your pool, brush your pool, and balance your chemicals. This Clorox product will take your pool to the next level. Bought the 24 pack at Costco. Highly recommended.
Ease of Use:
This product is terrible! So my pool had been perfect! Crystal clear, perfect balance for a month since opening. I bought this as I ran out and needed shock after a fun family weekend. Bought this at my local Lowes and put a bag in that afternoon. The next morning my wife asked what I did to the pool. I looked outside and it had started to turn what looked like green! I thought, well, maybe this new “Blue” put a blue cast to the water. Checked the chlorine level and it was still a little weak. Added another bag and it is now filled with a green cloud! What the heck! My perfect pool is now terrible! I have 4 bags left. Trash now as I ordered the good stuff again from Doheny’s! Never again. Clorox! Ugh!!!!! You need to make it right!
Ease of Use:
Expensive and Weak, absolutely sucks as probably most of Clorox products do…Do not use these products when opening your pool. Waste of $$$ Garbage…$37 Worth
Ease of Use:
The Best
The best I’ve ever used in 20 years of maintaining my pool. Easy to apply, dissolves quickly with light brushing. Lasts a long time (don’t forget to use Stabilizer). Just got a new liner last season and the liner is just as perfect, and bright as year one. Water is bright and clear. Thank you Clorox!
Ease of Use:
I am sooooo angry and upset, I bought this Shock Max Blue2, made by Pool Time. I used this in my Swimspa about 3 weeks ago, I am still trying to get the blue/purple glitter out of my spa. It sticks to everything. I am beyond angry. My Swimspa is my life love!! For you to make a product that leaves glitter behind, and it sticks to every surface is unbelievable!! Crappy product. We had to buy a pond vacuum for $300 to get the glitter out of the pool. What is wrong with you people that make this, to do this to someone’s pool? It is horrible. Do not buy this product. I am hiring a lawyer to sue them. Not good at all. It does not dissolve.
Ease of Use:
Good stuff/ Getting to pricey
Been using for years, going to start looking for alternatives due to prices. 2 years ago I paid $48 for 12 lbs at Walmart yesterday pd $65 big increase. Getting to be a rip!
Ease of Use:
No support
I bought a 1Lb jar but then found out there is no real breakdown for using in a spa. Using the web page and indicating my spa was only 500 gallons, it showed to use .04 Lbs . Not sure how to measure .04 lbs so I emailed Clorox and requested they break that down to tsp or tbs. No reply. I guess I’ll have to go to the spa store and buy a product I can rely on.
Ease of Use:
Pool shock 6 in 1
Great product I used in my above ground pool it was light gree three hours later is was crystal clear and ready to use pool
Ease of Use:
Clorox blue
I love this product it is the best I have come across would definitely recommend to anyone who has a pool it works like it says it will!The only problem I have is finding in stock
Ease of Use:
Price shock
I used to purchase this for just under $6/lb. As I just ran out and went on-line to order more the price has tripled! Over $18/lb…..WOW! Other than the price SHOCK the product works well. I use in my swim spa. Keeps the water clear and enjoyable!
Ease of Use:
Price has more than doubled
the product is perfect, but this year the price has double in some cases tripled. I would buy this at Costco- 24 pack for $65. now I am seeing it sold online lowes/walmart/amazon a 6 pack for $65. that is more than $10 per 1 lb bag
Ease of Use:
Price has more than doubled
the product is perfect, but this year the price has double in some cases tripled. I would buy this at Costco- 24 pack for $65. now I am seeing it sold online lowes/walmart/amazon a 6 pack for $65. that is more than $10 per 1 lb bag
Ease of Use:
Feeling Shorted
This product work pretty good with continual usage.. however, last time I purchased a box of the 6 pack there was only 5 packages in there.
Ease of Use:
First-time pool owner of a smaller 13,000 gallon in-ground pool. This worked very well for me! Shocked the pool weekly and required very few adjustments after the initial balancing. They must be having production issues this year. I bought a 24-pack from Costco last year at a great price (under $3/lb), but they don’t have it this year. Clorox’s website says “no online partners found”. Amazon doesn’t have any either! Might have to go with the HTH brand that Costco has this year, which is slightly more expensive per pound and has different chemicals. I’d love to stick with this product if it was available and at a good price
Ease of Use:
Used to be in bottles
This product used to come in bottles which was convenient for storage. For my above ground intex, it would take half the bottle a week to keep algae from growing. I never added floating tablets or anything else to my pool. It would stay clear and algae free by just adding the bottle. If i forgot to add the bottle and algae would start growing, then it would take a full bottle to kill it. Now i can’t find the bottle in stores or online anymore and all I see is this bag which appears to be the same thing? I should have paid attention more to ingredients in the bottle to compare. But this bag stuff doesn’t work for my pool. When I ran out of the bottle, algae started growing when I tried other products. I found this bag and figured it was the same and used a full bag to kill off the algae, swept, ran filter, and it didn’t work. Added another bag about 2 days later, same results. So I just vacuumed anyway and scrubbed and vacuumed again and when my pool was clean, I added a whole bag of this, thinking it might only prevent algae from growing and it didn’t. Algae is back. PLEASE BRING BACK THE BOTTLE STUFF!!!
Ease of Use:
Not for your every week use
This product does work, but make sure you test your CYA levels regularly. It can quickly raise CYA level above 100 of you are using tablets as well. As with everything, use moderation.
Ease of Use:
Shockingly Blue!
We have been fighting green algae for 2 years now during the summer months. A constant battle. One treatment with this product and our pool turned shockingly clear. Weekly treatments have kept it that way through “August in Texas”! No algae in sight! It’s a little pricey compared to the others that we used – but well worth it!
Ease of Use:
Mixed review
New filled my 7600 gallon above ground pool. Used this product to shock it. The label says good to swim in 15 mins. We did the appropriate calculations, the chlorine ppm was off the charts for two days as the product is sun resistant to breakdown unlike other shocks. We called the helpline but they suggested we just wait it out and couldn’t answer why this happened or why the 15 mins and swim ready was not true. Now worried about using a different product for chlorine pool float tabs as the directions say not to mix with other products due to various risks. Wish I would have just stuck with my old standby 24 hour shock. Taking it back to Walmart for a refund.
Ease of Use:
Shock Xtra Blue
I have no idea how to use the product. I cannot read the minuscule directions on the back – even with my glasses. Can’t find the directions anywhere on this site either. Guess I’ll return it.
Ease of Use:
Afraid to use it because of Cyanuric acid
I have a problem with a high level of cyanuric acid in my pool, it is over 100ppm, so trying to find out how it got there. Now I see a comment in a forum saying: – For every 10 ppm FC added by Dichlor, it also increases CYA by 9 ppm. Apparently the ingredients in Clorox Shock XtraBlue include Sodium Dichloro-S-Triazinetrione (63.05%) which suggests that using this will build up the cyanuric acid in my pool. I don’t understand people saying that they have been using this Clorox product for years with no mention of problems as cyanuric acid is cumulative. Surely they should be getting chlorine lock.
Ease of Use:
I have been using this product for 5 years works great
Ease of Use:
Great Product
I have used many brands of shock and this one is the best! You can actually watch it dissolve as it lowers into the deep end of the pool. Does not all fall to the bottom to have to be quickly brushed up before it harms the pool liner.
Ease of Use:
WOW! What a Great Product
I was expecting to have to use double the amount of Shock when I received it. Only to my dismay I was completely wrong. 1 bag was perfect for my pool. It left it clear and clean as if I had had a professional do it.
Ease of Use: 5
Effectiveness: 5
Crystal clear water!
Dilutes very easily. No algae and keeps levels right where I want them!
Ease of Use: 5
Effectiveness: 5
This product is steps above others.
Very good product. I have used others but using the XtraBlue it works better on a 640,00 gallon pool.
Ease of Use: 5
Effectiveness: 5
Ease of Use: 5
Effectiveness: 5
Once again a great product!
I like that it dissolves quickly, I also like knowing that I can trust the Clorox name to deliver great results. I like to know that it is shocking all the bad germs out of my pool. Very happy!
Ease of Use: 5
Effectiveness: 5
Fantastic Product
My salt cell died a week ago (under warranty) so I had to use some shock and chlorine tablets. I like the easy bottle style packaging of the Clorox shock. I know it sounds crazy but I also like that it is blue so I can see if I am spreading it evenly.
Ease of Use: 5
Effectiveness: 5
Works as specified
The shock elevated the chlorine to the appropriate level.
Ease of Use: 5
Effectiveness: 5
Ease of Use: 5
Effectiveness: 5
Wonderful product!
This shock clarifies the water and leaves it clear and extra blue, just as it should! Works fast, too. I like to use it between my professional pool cleaning appointments when the hot TX sun burns up the chlorine in the pool before the next visit.
Ease of Use: 5
Effectiveness: 5
Cleared my pool right up.
I found that Shock Xtrablue works as well or better than the products that I had been getting from the pool supply store. I noticed that the pool was clearer overnght.
Ease of Use: 1
Effectiveness: 1
Easy to use. No mess or mixing . Effective.. Product
Ease of Use: 5
Effectiveness: 5
Value, simplicity, effective.
Once I was able to minimize the phosphate levels in my pool, Shock XtraBlue has done an excellent job of maintaining my pool water’s sparkling clarity. Adding it to my pool every other week, along with normal weekly maintenance, and maintaining the proper balance of ph, chlorine, alkalinity, and stabilizer, it has virtually eliminated algae blooms.
Ease of Use: 5
Effectiveness: 5
Love It
I like that it doesn’t burn the kids eyes. And works Great!!
Ease of Use: 5
Effectiveness: 5
Great Stuff!
Works better then liquid chiorine. Clorox you sold me!
Ease of Use: 5
Effectiveness: 5
Great Product
I’ve been using Clorox Shock XtraBlue for a long time. I have a regular routine & XtraBlue Shock is part of it. Using XteaBlue Shock makes managing my pool chemicals simple & easy. I’ve been a Clorox Customer for 11+ yrs & will never use another product bc they are easy to use, available at Walmart & Amazon, reasonably priced & have always worked for me. I test my water with the Clorox App using their pool water test strips. The app provides an explanation of their results & you can link their app with Walmart to place your order or pick it up. Why use anything else? I won’t!
Ease of Use: 5
Effectiveness: 5
Great Product!
I have been using the Clorox shock XtraBlue for a few years now. Never have any problems with the product and I trust the Clorox Brand. I like purchasing from a trusted company I know rather than using off brands. Keeps my pool sparkling and clear. Highly recommend!
Ease of Use: 5
Effectiveness: 5
Excellent product
This is the ultimate shock treatment! Clears water very quickly! I shock weekly during the summer months because of the high temperatures and late afternoon rains. I would definitely recommend this product!
Ease of Use: 5
Effectiveness: 5
Makes pool look crystal clear
Applied at pool opening and weekly thereafter. Fine grains and easy to disperse in pool.
Ease of Use: 5
Effectiveness: 5
Great product
Very easy to use, pricing is definitely reasonable, works efficiently for our pool. The only negative thing I would have to say is that overuse of this product results in a higher CYA level.
Ease of Use: 5
Effectiveness: 4
Excellent product!
Love it! I have used it for 2 years and I have used other company product…never match the excellent job Shock XtraBlue bags do. It has always keep our pool sparkling clear and our kids could jump in pool right away after 15 minutes of treatment. No problem. Just bought a case of 24 bags from Lowe’s. Great stuff!
Ease of Use: 5
Effectiveness: 5
An A-1 product
I have used this product and continue to do so, by far the best shock on the market.
Ease of Use: 5
Effectiveness: 5
Awesome product!
We really love these and use them all the time. But wish they were in bottles insted of bags.
Ease of Use: 5
Effectiveness: 5
Excellent Product
I have been using this product for four years and it has solved my saltwater pool algae problems quickly and effectively.
Ease of Use: 5
Effectiveness: 5
Works great
Helps keep down the algae and keeps the pool looking clean.
Ease of Use: 5
Effectiveness: 5
Shockingly Good Product
Easy spring start-up product for pools. Raises chlorine levels quickly and effectively.
Ease of Use: 5
Effectiveness: 5
Great results!
Great product that works as stated. Fast acting and dissolves well in water.
Ease of Use: 5
Effectiveness: 5
Shockingly Good Shock
The XtraBlue shock works very well to maintain my pool. The only downside is a blue residue in the filter.
Ease of Use: 5
Effectiveness: 5
Fantastic product
I always can count on this product always. It clears your pool up and I feel safe swimming in my pool. All so it lasts a long time and keeps working day after day.
Ease of Use: 5
Effectiveness: 5
Best shock by far
I have been using this shock for a few years now. It is by far the best shock on the market. It is easy to add to my pool. It takes care of algae and gives me clear, clean water. It makes it very easy to keep my pool ready to swim in, and is a major part of my weekly pool maintenance. I highly recommend to all of my friends and family.
Ease of Use: 5
Effectiveness: 5
Great Shock
This shock worked wonders clarifying my pool. The xtra blue also Makes my water sparkle.
Ease of Use: 4
Effectiveness: 5
Clorox Shock XtraBlue
This is a great product, it’s my go to chemical for routine preventive maintenance and times when I need to bring my pool back into spec. As a chemical engineer I take pride in keeping my pool chemistry perfect and for me the Clorox Shock XtraBlue does the trick. My pool water is very clear and free from any algae. I live in South Florida so my pool is open and used all year round.
Ease of Use: 5
Effectiveness: 5
Good product
Product works good . I would prefer the plastic containers for storage though.
Ease of Use: 4
Effectiveness: 5
Fantastic product
Use once a week , keeps my pool sparkling clear. Have tried other products but nothing compares to Clorox Shock Xtrablue.
Ease of Use: 5
Effectiveness: 5
Pool Care Made Easy!
I love the Clorox pool products. The Xtra Blue Shock is great. I live in Florida and during the summer between the sun and the rain it was always so hard to keep the pool looking it’s best. This product treats all of the common problems I have with the pool with one package (occasionally 2 if the rains were heavy). No more going to the pool store and coming home with a trunk full of chemicals!
Ease of Use: 5
Effectiveness: 5
Works great!
Individually packaged makes it easy to use and my pool looks great!
Ease of Use: 5
Effectiveness: 5
Does the job!
I don’t shock my pool very often because of low usage, but this product is easy to use. I like the packaging and its ease of use.
Ease of Use: 5
Effectiveness: 5
Works Great
This shock always works well. Use as directed, keep your water balanced and it will do a great job.
Ease of Use: 5
Effectiveness: 5
Shock Attack!!
The shock packages are working very well so far. There is no residue left behind. I am really happy so far because it leaves the pool sparkling clear.
Ease of Use: 5
Effectiveness: 5
3 bags a week keeps the doctor away!
Once you get your pool right and backwash properly, these bags are magical. We use 3 per week unless we have a big party with lots of swimmers. Then, we do 6 in a week. Works great and keeps water balanced and clear.
Ease of Use: 5
Effectiveness: 5
Excellent Product
Works like magic every time so reliable and easy to use.
Ease of Use: 5
Effectiveness: 5
Great Product
Used the shock xtrablue last time I shocked my pool. Couldn’t be any easier to use. Just determine the amount based on the pool gallon size open the bottles and broadcast. Product dissolved very fast so no worries of any staining the pool interior surface. Left the filter running for 24 hours and no issues. This was a preventative maintenance since we had high swimmer volume for the weekend. Water is perfect. Definitely use this again.
Ease of Use: 5
Effectiveness: 4
Great product!
Cleared my pool in less than 24hrs. Removed algae and left my pool crystal clear
Ease of Use: 5
Effectiveness: 5
So easy to maintain my pool now
The shock is great. The XtraBlue dissolves quickly. Don’t take a chance with some of the other shock that will fade your liner.
Ease of Use: 5
Effectiveness: 5
Ease of Use: 5
Effectiveness: 5
Good product
This I second year I’m using this shock. Works great. No heavy bleach odor and clears up water quickly. You do need to add a little more than what the app say to bring up chlorine levels to normal.
Ease of Use: 3
Effectiveness: 4
Another Great Clorox Pool Product
I love Clorox Pool & Spa Shock Xtra Blue with Algae Killing Crystals. First, let me tell you what it does. It kills bacteria and various algae such as green, black, and mustard. It also controls the reoccurrence of these algae throughout the season which really helps improve the performance of our filter. Not only can this product be used to open and close your pool, it can be used weekly so you’re getting great protection all season. I also love that it makes our water so clear and sparkling. Using the product is a breeze too. It is fast dissolving and does not require that I predissolve it before adding it to our pool. This really saves us a lot of time. I simply spread it in the deepest part of the pool with the filter/pump running. Fifteen minutes later, we are back in the water. One of the best characteristics of the product is that it does not bleach out the beautiful color of our liner. Also, clearly printed on the outside of the bottle are clear and easy to understand directions and safety precautions. I have nothing negative to say about this product. I absolutely love this Clorox product!
Ease of Use: 5
Effectiveness: 5
Crystal clear
The shock was simply to use and didn’t leave bleach marks. He’s kept my water crystal clear with no signs of algae growth.
Ease of Use: 5
Effectiveness: 5
Awesome product
Works great fixes my problem would highly recommend
Ease of Use: 5
Effectiveness: 5
Love it!
This pool shock got my slightly green pool clear overnight! I love it!
Ease of Use: 5
Effectiveness: 5
Best ever
Best shock I have ever used!!! Kept my pool clear and perfect all year!
Ease of Use: 5
Effectiveness: 5
WOW. Fast!
Opened pool this spring, water was cloudy and slight green tinge. Used this product along with the clarifier, and within 12 hours it was perfectly crystal clear.
Ease of Use: 5
Effectiveness: 5
Shockingly Blue
Have used these products a couple of years and this shock is quick and easy to add and keeps my pool crystal Blue!!!
Ease of Use: 5
Effectiveness: 5
Works well
I love this product, so easy to use and works very well. Used with pool opening, and chorine level increased within the day.
Ease of Use: 5
Effectiveness: 5
Shock Blue
I’ve been cleaning my own pool for 3 tears now. The Clorox line of pool chemicals is easy for me to understand based on chem strip results and referring to Clorox guidelines. The prices are right and when Clorox offers online coupons, I use them.
Ease of Use:
I use this product along with the app and test strips. It is great to know how much of this I need to add based on my TC and FC levels. The one thing I wish it didn’t have so much of was the stabilizer. Over the summer by using these and the tablets I’ve been watching my stabilizer go from 50 to 150. I had to drain half the pool once to get that number to come back down. Other than that this stuff is great.
Ease of Use:
Birthday Saved
I knew the newly acquired pool needed some TLC because of the lack of clarity and green starting to sprout in small areas. Being new to pool care, I knew I needed to do something. I also knew I wanted to be able to invite family over that weekend for a swim. What I didn’t know was a surprise birthday pool party was already planned. After taking a test strip reading, I dumped in the recommended shock in hopes of swimming by that Sunday. My friends and family had other plans, though, and showed up Saturday! When the guests made their way out to the pool area, I was relieved to find the shock had cleared the pool to a crystal blue.
Ease of Use: 3
Effectiveness: 4
This is the ONLY product we use when our pool needs a pick me up! It’s easy to use and very effective.
Ease of Use:
I am so pleased with this product. It is so easy to use and so effective. It is great to have shock and an algae killer in the same product. It makes pool maintenance a breeze
Ease of Use: 5
Effectiveness: 5
Shock Treatment
Product performed as advertised. I have no algae in poo even with 100 degree temperatures.
Ease of Use: 5
Effectiveness: 3
So Easy!
I have used the Shock XtraBlue twice now, and have been extremely happy with it thus far. It brings my chlorine level up quickly, with no clouding. I know my pool is being properly sanitized. Add in the clarifier and algeacide, and I have a total product that can be used all summer long to keep a clean and clear pool.
Ease of Use: 5
Effectiveness: 5
Shock Works
Easy to use shock product. Performs as advertised.
Ease of Use: 5
Effectiveness: 4
Great stuff!
This stuff does wonders and the price is great too! This is my go-to shock product when compared to others on the market.
Ease of Use: 5
Effectiveness: 5
Clorox Pool Shock Blue–The best!
By using the full line of Clorox Pool Products, I have reduced maintenance costs. By keeping the pool balanced, Clorox Shock lasts at least an extra three days.
Ease of Use: 5
Effectiveness: 5
best product i ever got for my pool. i think ever pool owner should try it.
Ease of Use:
Bad pool, great product.
Fantastic product. It’s working great, boosted my chlorine levels to a great shock level and definitely cleaned the pool up. I wish I would known just how bad my pool was, because I would have gotten more of the shock.
Ease of Use:
Best results from shock
Over the past 20 years I have used many different shock products. Clorox Blue shock give the best results of any I have used. The clarity of the water is excellent and much better than that achieved with any other shock product I have tried.
Ease of Use: 5
Effectiveness: 5
Helps my water stay crystal clear and it’s easy to use
Ease of Use: 5
Effectiveness: 5
This product is awesome! Living in Florida we get a lot of rain, this rain causes our pool to get cloudy from time to time. I put the recommended amount in and the next day the water was sparkling again.
Ease of Use: 5
Effectiveness: 5
Love it
Had my pool for about 4 months, where i live we have well water so of course once it was filled water was completely green. Ive only ever used clorax pool & spa products to maintain my pool. I shock it once a week with this product and i have yet to have my pool turn green in 4 months. Bright crystal blue all the time. Love your products
Ease of Use: 5
Effectiveness: 5
Great great product. Does exactly what it is suppose to do!!
Ease of Use: 5
Effectiveness: 5