pH plays a major role in maintaining swimming pool water balance. It is a measurement of whether your pool water is acidic or alkaline. Several factors can contribute to the pH level of your swimming pool water, including the environment, swimmers, weather, chemical additions, or even water supply.
Low pH, or acidic, conditions can create a corrosive environment that may damage pool equipment and surfaces. It inhibits your sanitizer’s ability to effectively kill bacteria, which can be harmful to swimmers. It can also lead to skin and eye irritation.
On the other hand, high pH causes your swimming pool water to become too alkaline, which can also reduce your sanitizer’s effectiveness. If other parameters are improperly balanced, having a high pH can induce scale formation on your pool’s surfaces or equipment. High pH can also cause skin and eye irritation and may cause cloudy water.
Always maintain pH between 7.2 and 7.6. Start by testing your pool water. Use a pH increaser to raise a low pH level in your pool water. Alternatively, use a pH decreaser to lower a high pH. Split into dosages of thirds, following label directions until pH levels are within the desired range.
Retest your swimming pool water regularly to ensure the pH level remains between 7.2 and 7.6. Use your Clorox® Pool app to test your pool water 2-3 times per week. If you need additional help, Contact Us for advice on maintaining a balanced pool.
*Always follow label instructions when applying pool chemicals.